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Boulder Spinal Injury Attorney

Spinal injuries have obvious devastating consequences, such as loss of partial or complete function of one or more limbs. However, there is far more to a spinal cord injury than meets the eye.

At Cederberg Law, Boulder Attorney Luke Cederberg helps people who have suffered a serious spinal cord injury that resulted in a damaged or severed spinal cord. To learn more about your rights following a serious injury that caused a permanent disability or paralysis, contact Cederberg Law for a free consultation.

People with spinal cord injuries face a gauntlet of enhanced risks of medical complications throughout their lives. These range from pneumonia and respiratory problems to organ failure, bladder infections and skin breakdowns that can harbor devastating infections.

Helping Injured People Collect the Monetary Damages They Deserve

To confront these challenges, spinal cord injury patients need the best possible care, instruction and support. As with brain injuries, understanding and proving the consequences of each particular spinal cord injury requires many hours conferring with treating doctors and therapists, family members and experts. It requires hiring the right experts who can grasp, identify and articulate the client’s care needs and explain exactly what is needed, why it is necessary and how much it will cost.

Spinal injuries profoundly affect earning ability. Luke Cederberg works with experts who can realistically evaluate the client’s pre- and post-injury capabilities and thoroughly evaluate the economic consequences.

Providing the Resources You Need for Your Future

It is equally if not more important to prove what a spinal cord injury client can still do. This is vital for many reasons. It is essential to keep in mind, first and foremost, that whatever the outcome of the case, we have been entrusted with a role in the life of a human being who has a life going forward, and we must do whatever we can to provide the financial, medical and psychological support to make the most of that life. In addition, jurors love people who do their best in the face of adversity.

For help obtaining the monetary damages you need for your future after suffering a spinal cord injury, contact the Cederberg Law or call 303-499-0449 for a free initial consultation with an experienced Boulder personal injury lawyer.